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In this approach, work is performed at Nirlax's own development lab at its offices located in Irvine, California. The biggest advantage that offsite development provides is the reduction of software development costs. At Nirlax, we understand that different requirements exist with regard to specific business functions as well as cost and time frames for completion. Accordingly we adapt our services so that comprehensive offsite development programs can be offered to you.

Prior to beginning any work, the Nirlax team meets with the client team to work out the details of the engagement. The project scope, deliverables, screen layouts, reporting, functionality issues, timelines, etc. are all defined in detail.

After the definition phase, work moves to the Nirlax lab. Deliverables and other progress reports will be made available to client at pre-agreed intervals. The client may choose to provide remote access to the customer’s development server or Production Server via a VPN or some other secure means. By being able to access the development server remotely, Nirlax can load completed and developed objects on your server so that your team can monitor progress in real time, and maintain overall control even though work is being carried out offsite.

Based on the scope of development and the timelines, multiple consultants would be assigned to the development so as to deliver in time.

Benefits of Off-Site Development:

1. Upto 40% reduced Project Cost.
2. Cost savings in housing the consultants at customer site and allocating
3. Access to a wider and deeper range of skills than those that may be
    available within the client's organization and in the time required for the
    project completion
4. Access to in-house technical resources
5. Rapid deployment of contract resources to meet the peaks and valleys of
   the project workload - less need for client resource smoothing
6. Less day-to-day client management since projects are guided by
    contracts and deliverables.
7. Contractually enforceable commitment to results  

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