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Our primary IT staffing goal is to cover your specific need, cost effectively and efficiently.

You might need a consultant for a three month project, a full time hands-on project manager or you might have an existing team that needs staff augmentation to minimize downtime and maintain a consistent level of fullfiment.

With offices located in USA, Canada and India, we maintain direct field contact with our clients, which preserves our perspective of their technological needs. Our IT staffing services primary mission is to provide our clients with personnel who posses the highest level of technical expertise and professionalism.

Staff Augmentation
Nirlax offers staff augmentation services to assist your business with activities traditionally handled by your internal staff and resources. Our highly qualified consultants possess the certifications, experience, and customer service skills to accommodate even the most unique environments. We offer technical and project management personnel for short and long-term engagements, projects, internal systems administration, and technology delivery at every level. Nirlax outsourcing is the perfect solution for your technology staff augmentation needs.

Whether your organization has an ongoing, long-term IT function or support activity due to fluctuating resource demands or perhaps your organization has an intensive, short-term project needing supplemental IT staff to work on-site, Nirlax has the requisite IT Professional for you.

We can help minimize your IT staff payroll costs, with our IT professionals working closely with your employees to ensure your IT needs are met. By defined project, or by weekly or monthly ‘staff augmentation, Nirlax can deliver technology-specific IT experts whose quality, dedication, expertise, and accountability truly set Nirlax apart from others.

Full Time Staffing
Nirlax also provides resources for temporary and full-time staffing in the  I.T. fields. Our standards for performance and professionalism are exemplary.

We stand behind our word and our placements. We never provide candidates and clients with anything but accurate and unblemished information. Each and every candidate offered by us, has worked on some of our projects in the past or is currently working with us.

A call to Nirlax's Staffing Solutions department is an excellent way to tap into qualified professionals with unique and relevant skills. Whether you need a short-term or long-term staffing solution, our recruiting and rigorous assessing of candidates will help you during the economic downturns and give you an edge for the inevitable boom times. In the end, our client companies' success is our success. 

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